Nokia 6790 Surge

The mobile giant Nokia does the mesmerising act once again. The king mobile phone manufacturer launches its wonderfully designed phone fondly called Nokia 6790 Surge or Mako. The phone has a stunning interface that aids messaging and chatting in a jiffy. Famed phone maker creates an arresting design of these Nokia mobile phones enrobing it in luminous black colour. This time collaborating with wireless network giant AT&T, the Nokia guys have fabricated a gadget that would create a rage.
An affordable price considering the style quotient, it conceives. The phone in resplendent black looks glamour tanned with a slightly tilted front face. The QWERTY keyboard rests peacefully beneath the horizontal slider face. From the first sight it looks bulky but the light weighted phone is handy. The horizontal looking smartphone confines glamour with high end technical details. With all these functionalities it’s a sure shot catch in this July!!